This competition algorithm is designed to reward AI-workers based on their performance and contributions to the network, ensuring a fair and competitive environment that encourages service quality and network participation.The specific calculation process is as follows:
API Request Score (Ax)
This score is determined by the total number of API tokens consumed by AI-worker X in relation to the total API tokens consumed across the network for all AI-workers. If TAPIx represents the token cost for an API call and NAPIx is the number of API calls are from AI-worker X, the API request score is calculated as follows:
Ax=∑(TAPIi×Total API Calls)∑(TAPIx×NAPIx)
AI-Worker Staking Funds Score (Bx)
This score is based on the proportion of funds staked by AI-worker X relative to the total funds staked by all AI-workers.
AI-worker Hash Rate Score (Cx)
This score reflects the hash power contribution of AI-worker X to the total network hash power.
User Feedback Score (Dx)
This score is determined by the user feedback for AI-worker X's services compared to the aggregated user feedback for all AI-workers.
Final Incentive Score Calculation
Where 𝛼1,𝛼2,𝛼3,𝛼4 are the multiplier factors for each score component and 𝛼1+𝛼2+𝛼3+𝛼4=100%.
The final incentive score for AI-worker X is calculated by applying weighted multipliers (𝛼) to each score component:
Final Incentive Score for AI-worker X=(Ax×α1%)+(Bx×α2%)+(Cx×α3%)+(Dx×α4%)
Daily Incentive Amount
At the end of each day, AI-worker X's incentive amount is calculated by dividing its final score by the total score of all AI-workers, then multiplying by the AI-worker Stack's share of the daily reward (60%) and the daily token release
Incentive Amount for AI-worker X=(Total Incentive Score of All AI-workersFinal Incentive Score for AI-worker X)×60%×Daily Token Release
Eg: Rewards in Creation Stage for Ai-worker X
Daily Incentive for AI-worker X=(Total Incentive Score of All AI-workers(Ax×α1%)+(Bx×α2%)+(Cx×α3%)+(Dx×α4%))×0.60×410,900 QFT